

Because We Love Music 2024!

Since 2015, Lamour has presented the massive love bomb ‘Because We Love Music’. A collection of music that shows the musical diversity of the label and collects artists associated with the label and community. During January we deliver new songs every day, released on Spotify and for free price on Bandcamp. Ambient, techno and all electronic stuff in between. We do this – because we love music!

Because We Love Music 2022!

Since 2015, Lamour has presented the massive love bomb ‘Because We Love Music’. A collection of music that shows the musical diversity of the label and collects artists associated with the label and community. During December we deliver new songs every day, released on Spotify and for free price on Bandcamp. Ambient, techno and all electronic stuff in between. We do this – because we love music!

Singular – Öst

This full-throttle IDM-banger is flanked by four splendid remixes from Swedish electronic legends Andreas Tilliander and Rivet and two rising stars: Catterfly and Nano Ona.

Catterfly – Catterfly Metamorphoses LP

Welcome to the strange world of Catterfly. Cosmic sex and unusual ideas of ambient and psychedelic electronica in a fantasy of metamorphoses. With inspiration from legends like Ralph Lundsten and Björn J:son Lindh, Catterfly takes the genre into a modern world of expressions and female power.

Because We Love Music 2021!

Since 2015, Lamour has presented the massive love bomb ‘Because We Love Music’. A collection of music that shows the musical diversity of the label and collects artists associated with the label and community. During December we deliver new songs every day, released on Spotify and for free price on Bandcamp. Ambient, techno and all …

Because We Love Music 2021! Read More »

Mikael Strömberg – Riposte Erik Satie (Catterfly/Slim Vic)

Riposte Erik Satie, a newly written piece by Mikael Strömberg, is a reinterpretation of the idea behind Erik Saties Vexations (“harassment”). “Riposte” means response, in response, attack – as a response to Satie and as a silent attack over time. Saties Vexations is considered one of the longest pieces of music in history. A performance …

Mikael Strömberg – Riposte Erik Satie (Catterfly/Slim Vic) Read More »