Rhythm as texture, texture as rhythm… the foggy and lo-fi dub created by Llarks is messy and unruly, languorous and loping. The deliberate repetition reveals subtle changes as the song-form disintegrates and reassembles itself.
Uprise Flowers and its several permutations on the ep “Dub I” were created in the spirit of, and using many of the techniques first used by the pioneers of the dub genre. The rhythms were recorded in mono on analog tape. The material was then “dubbed” into the digital/stereo realm where more recording took place. The final mix of the song was performed live using the mixing board and effects.
Released March 24 2023
Cat nr: lamour175dig
Design by Llarks
Mastered by Joakim Westlund

C has been actively releasing music since 1995 under previous projects Accelera Deck, September Plateau, The Trust Riots and more…