
Oestergaards – Maal Niir EP

“You do not quench the sun with a jug of water” is an expression that no-one has said before but can match the dark ambient artist Oestergaard’s. Step by step, his dark-lied world receives attention internationally in that slightly shadowy genre.
After debuting the album Rötterna and the subsequent remix album Rötterna Decomposed, he is now back with a 4-track EP that goes deeper into the dark ambient genre. The titles of the songs are extracted from his acclaimed dialect Ovanåkersmål. A flashback in the past among one’s childhood home dreams, with the memory of time becoming increasingly foggy.

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Mastered by Joakim Westlund

Oestergaards makes music with a shimmer of mystery darker than Dragon Gate’s history. A dystopian world of sound with essences of Hälsinglands rural society and the desire to get away from the traditional trodden musical paths.
Some hear references with dark ambient guru Lustmords early works, others see references to the film world, but it is clear that Oestergaards feel at home in the dark sound chamber.Oestergaards (born 1977) based in Älvkarleby with a background as festival organizer in Hälsingland and the front figure in traditional Americana band breaks his story and focuses on the compilation of electronic music.
Listen to his debut album ‘Rötterna‘ released on tape and digital on Lamour Records

482MHz blog
“2018 års fem bästa EP:s/mini-LP:s. 5. Oestergaards – Maal niir
– I april skrev jag om Tomas Oestergaards debut-EP Rötterna. Jag berömde den, men anmärkte på det något ofokuserade helhetsintrycket den gav och önskade ett mer renodlat uttryck till framtida släpp. På nya EP:n får man precis just det. På de månader som gått sedan debuten gavs ut har Oestergaards utvecklats rejält.”
Read full post at: https://482mhz.wordpress.com/2018/12/28/arets-basta-eps-och-mini-lps/

This is Darkness

Brutal Resonance
“Continuing the focus on a dystopian world…”

Noise Beneath The Snow
“A very nice EP indeed; a great mix of dark ambience, death industrial and tastefully-done noise.  I’m looking forward to seeing what Oestergaards does next.”

Casey Douglass
Maal Niir then, is a dark ambient album that I very much enjoyed. When an album causes my mind to create a narrative, and each track seems to progress that narrative, I often come away feeling quite the connection to it.”