Singular is back, metamorphosed and stronger than ever with the single ‘Öst’ from their upcoming album ’Tre’.
This full-throttle IDM-banger is flanked by four splendid remixes from Swedish electronic legends Andreas Tilliander and Rivet and two rising stars: Catterfly and Nano Ona.
Öst (’East’ in Swedish) is an eclectic and heavy dance track with glitchy, breaky beats, a pulsating bass line and massive buildups. Topping the track off are direct yet enigmatic vocals and a crystalline and ethereal melody. Think of a combination of Underworld, Oneohtrix Point Never and Jon Hopkins.
Singular is a loosely connected creative collective based in Malmö, Sweden. Simultaneously unknown and familiar, Singular may appear obscure and mysterious, but its presence is nonetheless rock solid. Singular’s musical output is at once both contemporary and timeless, often featuring a fusion of generous portions of acoustic piano and intricate synthetic components. The album ‘Två’ was released in 2019 on Lamour Records, followed by the EP ’Berlin’ and a string of singular singles.
1 – Öst (Original)
2 – Öst (Tilliander Remix)
3 – Öst (Catterfly Remix)
4 – Öst (Rivet Remix)
5 – Öst (Nano Ona Remix)
Released November 11 2022
Cat nr: lamour173dig
Artwork by Singular
Mastered by Joakim Westlund